Fearing the Wurst

Off to the gym this morning, head clear as a bell, and felt very cheery. However learned from Mum that Mason is unwell at the moment, and Mum is worried about him. Lorraine and I munching muesli (me with soya milk). Jumped on the scales after almost a week of not drinking, eating sensibly and exercise, they told me I had lost 3kg, which is around 6.6 pounds since my most alarming reading, which admittedly was with my clothes on. I am now at what was my worst weight, which I have previously nudged from time to time. So the real work starts now.

A chat with Matt who wants to bump the This Concert performance to later in the year, and tie it in with the recording, which make sense and slightly unclutters February. Lorraine and I went out shopping, where I bought some Tupperware, and Lorraine bought a book on servant leadership. Who says I'm not in touch with my feminine side?

In Waterstones I glimpsed poets John Agard and Grace Nichols in the bookshop. We had a mutual friend called Beverley well over twenty years ago, and I met them both a couple of times, and went to a party at their house in Lewes once. But but I didn't say hello as I am certain they wouldn't remember me. I remember them as lovely people, however, and afterwards realised it was only my inner gloom weasel that stopped me saying hello.

A text from Richard walking at Fermain to remind me of the cliffs.

Lorraine cooked us a turkey stir fry, and I suddenly felt very tired indeed and dozed on the sofa. Woke up to discuss leadership with Lorraine who was reading her leadership book.

Below a cartoon by Berger & Wyse in the Guardian. It's silly, and I particularly like it because it ridicules fear.
