Thai with The French Bloke

To London today to write about a brand new ailment: haemophilia. Reading about people with bleeding problems made my inner cockney snicker I'm afraid. Apprehensive about the day as I am feeling exhausted and am still hobbling. Tried a direct route into St Pancras, however, which is close to Pat and the FB's agency. This turned out to be faster and cheaper. Out at St Pancras station, along the Euston Road and was soon passing the tireless caryatids at St Pancras church, before turning down into Carl's old stomping ground of Tavistock Square.

Good to see The French Bloke again (Pat out for much of the day). At lunch we snuck away for an authentic Thai bite in an empty little Irish pub with Thai food. Had a fab Thai soup. The owner Michael had a map of Ireland in rocks from every county among his pub decorations, and a 20p coin glued to the bar counter. Great to see the FB happy and on such good form, and it seems both he and Pat are going from strength to strength running their new agency, and its population had grown since I was last there.

Home easily and without incident. Tired but pleased I got through the day okay, and can work from home tomorrow due in part to a tube strike set to half-paralyse London.
