Down to earth

Come down today from the high of last week & feeling about 90. Performing takes a lot out of me, which is why I am so fab at it ;-). Grrr, though. Some malfunction with the camera meant, typically, there is no film of the event, but there should be recordings and photos coming through soon. Meeting Matt later in the week to discuss next steps. The whole thing went far too well to let it lie.

Reflecting on the show for much of the day. I am really pleased with how it went, especially on Friday. It's good to realise I've still got it on stage, because I have to stretch back to pre-blog days before I did any significant performances. Seem to have rediscovered my performing passion, which is just in time for the book launch. All good.

Up in the morning and working on some French stuff, then fiddling with covers for A Guernsey Double, and doing things like airbrushing masts from photos of the already annoyingly suave and photogenic Richard Fleming. More work through from Les Français for later in the week, which is great. All well.

Call from Anton, who explained how he liked my poems the other day. In fact more keen to discuss poems than football, which is a first. Spoke to Lorraine who is tired too.

And so to bed.
