Brain fog again

Brain fog continues. Most days my concentration is excellent. I am very lucky. But today, I was losing the thread every three or four minutes. Even mindmaps and listing things weren't helping. A boring day of dealing with tax, accountants, my old agency (wanting me to out forms before I can be paid for the paltry two days they still owe me). Unable to focus, apart from a brief spell in the magic cafe. Stared dully at TV in the evening watching Manchester United get beaten.

I hope the brain business lifts before I arrive in Guernsey.

Poor Lorraine undergoing ghastly house moving stress. Not much I can do to help, other than listen.

Shaila gave me some Buddhism books she picked up while in Hong Kong. I was reading one in bed last night, and the calmness and lack of judgement that exuded from it is so refreshing. Religions other than Buddhism seem to me increasingly absurd. I have no problem with the idea of God - I love God - but religious hierarchies, or people who set themselves up as unique conduits to God or enlightenment, nauseate me. Of course Buddhism has these too, but not to the same extent. As Sogyal Rinpoche said when I went to that retreat with Sophie, there is no such thing as a Buddhist Fundamentalist.

Below some proper Ontario snow. Joan told me that the temperature climbed to zero, and so here is a picture Joan sent me of Dick, Nico the dog and the intrepid Pinkie cat going for a walk. A wee bit more snow here tomorrow too apparently.
