A night in the Tavern

So Saturday, felt a bit downcast when I read my emails and discovered another from the big pharma client with more changes to the references of the website: the vision of my weekend evaporating was depressing. I went for a much needed haircut and as the sheep wool disappeared, I came to a brilliant solution: that I would take Monday off from the agency. Phoned Betsy and explained. Then on returning home, set to work writing up the interview I did yesterday.

Noticed with alarm water coming out of my shower unit. Some species of new plumbing horror, but it is only slowly dripping at the moment.

A splendid evening out with Lorraine, also newly haircut. Her pals Matt and Wayne were celebrating Matt's birthday party in the Brighton Tavern. We had a really nice night out, with lots of interesting people and a really good atmosphere. In the general melee, I was delighted to meet Lorraine Bowen, (I urge you to visit her site) the hilarious lady with the ironing board I'd seen at The Dolly Parton Tribute night a few months ago. I told her I was a big fan. Also met a percussionist called Adam with whom I had a long and interesting conversation. And then Lorraine and I talked to a nice man called Guy for at least an hour. A great night out there with some surprisingly nice fingerfood too.

Was surprised to look at my watch at one point and see that it was well past midnight. Amazing how lively a good night out and a few pints of Harveys can do for the soul.
