A sunshine day
Woke early with my mind buzzing about poetry and writing, after a bad night's sleep.
Calliope learnt today how to climb stairs, and celebrated by climbing up to my bedroom sitting in the middle of the duvet and doing an over-excited wee. She followed this achievement by scratching Lorriane's eyeball. Despite her many sins she is at least not sneezing so much, and eating like a horse all of a sudden.Up, finally and working some poems for a bit. Then shopping with Lorraine. A glorious day today in Brighton. We mooched about feeling happy, visiting Beth at her Saturday job in a kids drama school where there were dozens of over-excited kids doing singing and dancing. What's not to love? And then shopping. Damn the doomed economy: I boldly bought a new duvet covers, and a new duvet.
A chilled night in, after a day in which I felt suddenly rejuvenated and cheerful. Beth and Mark called by to meet Calliope, who is utterly shameless and attention seeking when there are new people about. Later Lorraine and I watched Chronos, which was del Torro's first movie. Ate healthy stir fry and brown rice, and apart from squeezing eye drops into the kitten's eye all was peaceful.