Triskaidekaphobia is one of the few phobias I do not have. So I got a grip this morning, and sent out invoices and dealt with one or two business matters in a reasonably butt bruising manner. Then up to Preston Drove to work with Simon for the rest of the day on a stunningly laborious presentation document. Simon is a really good guy, which helped considering I felt braindead.

Trying to find some time to work on my own projects at the moment is proving very difficult. However financially things are not too bad, and I have some more freelance work at Kate's agency coming up next week. But far better to be busy than have nothing on at all.

Walked home at about six, and found myself desperate for a cheeky Friday night curry and beer. Luckly Lorraine was happy to oblige, and sitting in the Cricketers sipping a pre-curry beer, life felt several degrees more cheery.
