Don't stand in the hold

Here is the beta version of my new site - more to be added, especially to the portfolio part - it also links into the nightwork, which will be my revamped personal site, with lots more new stuff added. Any feedback welcome. Just as I finished working on this for the day, First Matie called me to ask if I'd do some work with her, so tomorrow will see me zooming up to London for my first official day as a freelancer: nice of Katie to sort me out on that one.

Bob crept off early this morning before I got up. Just before I got out of bed, I had an extremely vivid dream about looking from the back door of a house set on the top of a hill. A short distance away was a man standing in the collapsed and rotting remains of an old boat. Someone on my left was shouting "don’t you know it’s bad luck to stand in the hold?" And in the dream this seemed self-evidently sensible to me too. Then an enormous and beautiful sepia coloured thundercloud gathered flickering with lightning. My brother Toby was suddenly outside talking on a mobile phone, and I shouted for him to come inside because the storm was racing towards us. And then I was awake, remembering everything.

I'm feeling a bit Agent Cooperish about it. I can normally decode my dreams, but this one is interesting.

At six o'clock Lorraine drove from work and took me to the opening party for a shop called Kitchen Station that her pal Wayne has just opened. The business designs, builds and installs kitchens. They looked rather good - I particularly liked the grey granite work surface. Nice party, with a variety of interesting people. In the corner of the shop was a woman in a red dress playing a harp and singing excellently. She should have worn a white dress and had wings.

Then Lorraine drove me home, where I supplemented the finger food with cheese on toast - and failed to get in the early night I promised myself.

Work tomorrow. Yikes!
