My alter ego is taking over

I have become obsessed with Skelly my alter ego. I have found the proper voice for him. He started off too posh and maudlin. And now Skelly's talking properly he seems to be wanting to share his opinions about everything. I have always hated people with opinions. But I have found myself making time late at night to laugh madly to myself and bark outlandish opinions in my study. Should I be worried?

Otherwise the day was fine. Had to go off to my pharmaceuticals client from home, which actually meant a late start for me. Was early for the rendezvous with my colleagues and enjoyed an Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks moment, drinking a damn fine cappuccino in the sun outside an Italian cafe and felt a strong sense of everything being right with the world.

Another yapfest, but really warming now to my client, which is nice. Then made my way back to the agency, where I caught up with the French Bloke who was back from his holiday. He has moved tantalizingly close to the river and we, with Matty boy, are planning a splendid day of fishing on its banks in a week or so.

Listening to Dune the audiobook, which as Anton predicted is pretty excellent.

Below: Skelly is bullied by a talking dog.


Kate said…
Skelly is finding his groove. I'm less scared of him now.
Peter Kenny said…
Skelly is melding with me. Together we are stronger and less frightening.