Pink wine at night, a hangover's delight

A mixed sort of morning. On the one hand I woke up with a brain like a painful raisin. This was caused by the dread pink wine, but as I crawled from bed the phrase "Bad Matty" sprang unbidden and entirely unfairly to my lips. On the other hand, my computer had healed itself, proof again that vigorous swearing actually works, and what's more I discovered my shades having been convinced I had lost them forever. They were in an incredibly obvious place.

Work was fine, and through judicious applications of green tea, mineral water, and light salads I began to feel human again quite quickly. Imagine my surprise when Matty sent me and Katie an email about Vietnam. It came back to me then that we had all solemnly sworn to go there together last night. Matt is already researching flights.

Very happy to be going home today. Once home I copied all the files onto a memory stick and posted it through the door of the BBC, and sent them emails. Thank gawd. I spoke to Anton about this briefly.

Then IM with Sprinkies, and sent her a joke about mushy bees.

Then a long search for my cheque book as yesterday I took a brief on a kind of electric toothbrush, and after talking about it for an hour and a half, I was sold on it. I can take in a cheque to work tomorrow and next week I will enter a world of teeth cleaning machines that brush at 33 thousand times a minute. If you experience some sort of absence while brushing I wonder, when you come-to, if there will be nothing left but a set of gleaming stumps.
