Late for work and irritable. However finished The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon on the train. Enjoyable, well-plotted story set in Barcelona -- although having been there I didn't find myself forcibly reminded of that city, despite the blurb playing this up. Mind you, my recollection is of a rather blurry place. But I was there on a very enthusiastic boozy, sleep-deprived, stag weekend. However I am proud to say that I played guitar in a flamenco bar, something I can't quite believe I did.

Another walk along the river where I saw half a dozen noisy parakeets near Fulham's football stadium and briefly worried about the vocabulary these innocent birds will acquire.

Quickly talked to MJ as I walked back to the office, who was looking at fluffy Valentine's toys in a shop.

An absolutely mind-numbing meeting this afternoon. People sitting about with dead cod faces wishing they were a million miles away. Fortunately this torture was conducted on the fourth floor with a wonderful view of the river, and I watched the night steal over the water and tried to block out the futile droning. Some days I think the Thames keeps me sane.

Back from work, a proper chat with MJ who has an interview shortly, and has lots of things to organise in a virgoish way -- including sending me links for appropriate chocolates to be received on Valentine's Day.
