Really nice day today. Woke up fairly early and pottered. Pottering is one of the noblest human activities wherein I did a mountain of laundry and ironing, and then engulfed a small shoal of health-promoting kippers.

House is on the brink of rebellion: alarming but so far irregular banshee screetch coming from the boiler. And the toilet too is no longer flushing properly despite protracted (ah-hem) ballcock fiddling. I feel a call to John the Plumber coming on.

Off with Anton and Anna and Baby Klauds to Sheffield House Gardens, a gorgeous national trust property. We had a small picnic and wandered about by the ponds and lakes and waterfall and through the manicured autumn garden. Wonderful colours from bright cerise through dusty reds and golds. Struck again how orientalist these gardens are in their aesthetic. Perfect placement of things, water and so on. Almost like willow pattern designs.

Learnt today that Anna is expecting again next May. This is excellent news. Baby Klauds being variously adorable today. Laughing like mad in the back of the car on the way home.

MJ called me while we were in the gardens, and she spoke to Anna and Anton too. She would have loved the garden. I then called her in the evening talking to Weezer too. They are very funny girls.

Spoke to Mum and learned that Mum Mas and Toby had been to Sheffield House before, when Mas was showing an interest in property. Spoke also to Carole and Mark. Got an email from Andy Smith too, who has not been well. I will reply shortly.

All is well.
