Dragged myself kicking and screaming from bed and set off to work. Picked up a copy of the Berliner-format Guardian today which was excellent. Reading a book of New York poetry and gazing from the train.

Work actually was fine, although as I got into the lift there was someone waiting for me so I was diverted to a meeting before I'd even reached my desk. Nice, however, to see Mike and chat briefly to the FB and lovely blooming Max.

Male members of the creative dept sneaking around to the TV dept. to watch the final day of The Ashes, which unbelievably England has won for the first time in sixteen years. This is a cricket game played over several weeks between England and Australia. And derives from this mock obituary placed in The Sporting Times after an English defeat.

In Affectionate Remembrance of ENGLISH CRICKET,
which died at the Oval on 29th AUGUST, 1882, Deeply lamented by a large circle of sorrowing friends and acquaintances R.I.P. N.B. - The body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.

Left work like a greyhound from a trap and made it home just as MJ was calling me on my mobile. We were discussing how nice it would have been if she was waiting for me in the Twitten. Oh well. One day.

Ate a pile of pasta tonight. Although tired and sorethroaty still, I feel considerably better than last week.
