Saw Paul after for an hour or so after work on Friday. He has such amazing energy and persistence; a truly amazing networker. Whenever he talks about his son there is an abundance of love, and a reason to persist.

Then a ghastly journey through north London. Trains execrable so got a taxi from Wembley. Driver a keen coarse fisherman and described catching a catfish of over fifty pounds in France with a fifteen pound breaking-strain line. All in the playing the fish apparently.

Had an enjoyable evening drinking wine and then me moving on to some sweet coffee liqueur in an ill-advised way, and mum tucking into Cointreau, and trying to snatch my copy of Eno's book before I'd finished it. It's mine I tell you! etc. Interestingly found in the family vaults two Eno LPs, Before and After Science and Another Green World that the boy Toby must have bought. These I took back to me to Brighton and to play on the turntable Anton gave me.

Sordid this morning but gradully recovered. Long chat with Mase about the Twin Peaks-like California legal case his son is involved with. That disconnected feeling again when I arrived at the Library with Mum. Very cold today. Then Mum's half brother Alex came over as he has been working on the plumbing. Him and Mason crashing and banging and with entirely different mental maps of how the work should be approached. Alex an engaging sort of character although he had no idea of my name, which is barely credible. "Are you the one that's in England?" Glance about wildly, "think so".

Treated myself to a taxi from Mum's place to Victoria. The same driver I had when I moved to Brighton. Powdery snow falling but not settling as we set off. Journey back to Brighton a near epic, featuring a bus replacement service. To Anton and Anna's again tonight, Brian staying with them. Had lovely food and hung about playing records (not CDs) and gormandising and drinking more wine. And much heated debate about foxes. Fox hunting has been made illegal today in England. Anna asserting the evilness of foxes, and that they kill sheep in a way that would brook no contradiction. I think her and Brian had been at the pop most of the day. Brian revealing himself as a passionate royalist.

Victor Lewis-Smith in the Guardian today: "show me the queen's head on a stamp and I'm in two minds about which side to spit on".

Just revelling in being at home now, and ruing a bad day for my diet. Quick message conversation with MJ then this blog and bed right... now.
