Good news today, my offer has been accepted for the house in Brighton. Very happy about this, but this time I'm not counting my chickens. And this evening I have been brooding about organising the move, packing, storage, utilities, mortgage etc. etc. all over again. It will be great to be able to call somewhere my home soon. Got a surveyor lined up this evening which is good. The one I used before is on holiday.

Mercifully, work was quiet and uneventful. A friend's partner had a masectomy yesterday, which put my restless feelings in perspective.

Woke up early this morning and was reading Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals for what seems like the hundredth time. It's such a lovely, escapist book. I went to Corfu a couple of times and still there are glimpses of Durrell's idyll among the tourist hellspots.

Another day shunning drink in pennance for my immersion in the Munich beer lake. Still restless this evening, and went for an evening walk which helped.
