Saw my Mum and Mason last night. Mum gave me two CDs full of painstakingly-assembled correspondence and photographs from her father's family -- who were living in India during the days of the Raj. This is a photograph of Mignonette who is my great-grandmother. As a boy I was always fascinated by the exoticism of this photograph -- what's below is a detail of the bigger photo which is of a group of people gathered on a veranda somewhere in northern India about to go to a fancy dress party.

Looking forward to studying all the other pieces -- although Mum said there are some really depressing bits, especially the correspondence of Ella (my Grandfather's first wife) as she was dying of TB.


I was pleased to see Mason bearing up well after his mother's recent death. When someone dies in their late nineties after a full life the fact that there is no sense of the injustice can help.

Otherwise we had a good time guzzling Mexican food and drinking Sol beers. On that note I have put on weight in the last couple of weeks where my heavy cold has prevented me from swimming so I need to get surging about again as soon as I am able.

Have finally found some time to work on AnotherSun again, and slowly have been preparing new material to add to the site.

Mrs Kenny really happy about her book deal -- it's fantastic news. At this stage organising the illustrations and photography is probably the most difficult bit to do.
