Too cold to write much now. Turns out the boiler in our house had caught fire last night and we are plunged into cold water and cold nights. Mrs Kenny free at last from her cast but bemoaning the fact she cannot have a shower or a bath because we have no hot water.

Work busy but a very good day in some ways. My big problem is being apologetic, and I am trying to move away from this.

Was my penpal Mary Jane from New York contacted me to say that she and her poet mates were against the war too. I am delighted.

My disgust with Bush and Blair grows more incandescent every day. One is an evil terrorist fool and the other is a follower of an evil terrorist fool which has to be even worse. Both will soon have the blood of the innocent on their hands. My disappointment with Tony Blair is profound. I held him in so much regard, and had so much goodwill towards him when he was elected. And now he has disgraced himself, disgraced Britain, undermined the UN and the EU and disgraced the Labour party. As a lifelong socialist, his fanatic's warlike arrogance disgusts me. My prediction is he will shortly be forced from office. Perhaps replaced by Gordon Brown, who has sensibly kept a low profile in the whole matter. Blair has thrown himself away like a Shakespearian hero.
