
Showing posts from 2025

Not an imposter

Printed out a full first draft of the long poem Gordon Road now. Some of it still a bit sketchy and prosaic, but the overall shape is there. Now it is just a case of buffing away at the clunkily prosaic bits. Saw the cover of Supernatural Tales for the Spring issue.  What's Inside  is the first story in the issue, and so my name was top of the list. I felt rather smug about this.  I was also contacted by Chris from Seahaven poets wanting a photo etc. for promoting my reading in Seaford in April. Imposter syndrome unusually low today.  Meanwhile Lorraine got one of the gardeners back to deal with a few bits that were missed the other day.   She is so good at dealing with people.  Lorraine spent some time with Pat and Maureen. Then sent my blood pressure readings off to the surgery (being a wuss I have outsourced this to her). Next she and Beth and James drove off to Basingstoke, to stay overnight before Glenice's funeral tomorrow. Shortly after she left, B...


Writing this morning. Lorraine off to her personal trainer today on a different day because it is half term. Half terms pass with barely a whimper now Lorraine is no longer a head teacher.  Feel a bit antsy, so took a long walk this afternoon, letting my feet lead me first towards Newhaven then doubling back to trace the edgelands of Seaford, past some rather grand houses, and an impressive luxury old folks home, and at least one golf course, and the end of fields, and winding up at the cemetery. I generally enjoy cemeteries but I was cold and a bit tired so didn't ghoulishly hang about. Good to be home to the simple pleasures of cups of hot tea, and a spot of cooking. 

A Sunday Haven

After breakfast I nipped out to Morrisons. Bumped into Steve on the way, and a swankily dressed Delores on the way back. The friendliness of a Small town. Innis and Rosie came around this afternoon with Pippi, and we had a walk in Friston Forest. Pippi springing about like a lamb. Went to a bit of it I'd not been to. Nice to get some fresh, cold air before a Sunday roast at home. Innis had a 'shout' first thing this morning, but it turned out to be a large piece of floating wood in the sea and not a person. I asked Rosie about her job to do with helping refugees integrate and learn English. She is doing good work. A cheery afternoon of talking about many things and swapping book recommendations.  Below a lovely view of Cuckmere Haven from a break in the trees, and the ladies walking ahead with Pippi.

Ghost cat

Saturday, and a late breakfast. Early afternoon, while Lorraine went to see Beth to discuss baby clothes, I went back to the gym. I had some trepidation having evilled my stomach muscles lifting up the tumble dryer. However I was able to trundle happily on the cross trainer and do a few other bits on weight machines without alarms or re-injuring myself. I didn't do the much needed stomach crunches however, just in case. At half past five off to the Lewes Depot cinema to see Ghost Cat Anzu a Japanese film with beautiful backdrops and anime characters. All rather lovely. The story fun too, about a girl with a deadbeat dad, and a dead mother being left with her grandfather in a temple in the country. While staying there alone with her grandfather, she is looked after by a ghost cat, who can drive a moped, and uses a mobile phone, and walks upright (and works as a masseuse). They have many adventures, including going back to the land of the dead to talk to the mother. Lots of weird cha...


Much less spinny headed. The vertigo is abating. Up early, and did some good writing before nine. Feeling in a much happier place now with Gordon Road. Still lots of work to be done, but much of it has taken shape. The podcast episode finally up this morning. I did a light bit of social media.  It was Valentine's Day today, but I had completely forgotten to get Lorraine a card. So she held off until I bought one, and a nice pot with succulents in it. The pot reminded me of the little wedding doll Romy had given her.  The house a hive of activity this morning. Sylwia here cleaning. With two nice guys Jake and Oscar rotivating and removing thick grass and rotivating the ground on our wild section. Which currency looks anything but wild. The idea is now to insert through the membrane native plants rather than tough grasses. I chatted to them, and they were both in a band, Jake acts and sings (he is a pal of Beth's) and Oscar does architectural drawings and plans. Nice men, and sp...

Lorraine sorts me out

Writing a bit morning. But not having not heard anything from Robin, who is on a death doula course, I followed up and found she had sent me the edited episode on Tuesday night, which I had somehow deleted unopened and unseen. I found it later in my mail bin. Robin had edited it, and found something I had to re-record. Going live is bumped till tomorrow. Having slogged all day on Tuesday to get it ready early, and then Robin having done the work on Tuesday night, irritated that I still managed to create a last minute frenzy.  Popped out at lunchtime for some light shopping. Am in the mood to get to grips with medical things: some toenail paint for a fungal toenail, and also I strapped on the blood pressure measuring wristband, and will keep it on for a few days to be able to send results into the doctor. Wearing the wristband is a good solution, as I get horrendous white coat syndrome. And I outsource looking at the app to Mrs Kenny, who sort it all out, and emails the results to t...

Light sea, dark sky

An easier day, after hours of editing yesterday.  Did some good writing this morning, while Lorraine was doing rhyme time. Avoided global news. In the afternoon I took a long walk along the seafront, the yellow trucks replacing all the shingle that had been washed to other parts of the beach. Those yellow trucks do important work in maintaining the sea defences. The sky was mostly dark and threatening, and the sea was actually lighter than the sky, which I like.   

In demand

Continued with the Brandt-Daroff exercises today, and felt a good deal improved, steady enough in fact for a half an hour walk after sunset and only felt like I was falling over once or twice.  Spent the morning recording with Robin, and the rest of the day editing, getting the first cut of the episode over to Robin at tea time. Robin told me she and Nick found themselves buying a car the other day, and that she is, this week, starting a course about becoming an end of life doula.  Meanwhile Betty and James had been in A&E in Brighton overnight. Beth having had worrying abdominal pains. However, this was due to a severe indigestion made worse by the baby pressing weirdly. Luckily,  all well.  Once up and breakfasted, Lorraine off to her personal trainer,  then to see Pat and Maureen and later took Beth back to the hospital for a scheduled scan, where they saw the baby sucking his thumb. I spent the day at my desk Lorraine home again, but just as I was starti...

Spinny head

Up before the sparrows and working on finishing the edit of my conversation with Ruth Padel, which took about five hours.  Not long after I finished, and sent the file off to Robin, my day given over to my worst-ever bout of vertigo. I immediately began the Brandt-Daroff exercises  which have helped lots in the past. Today as I did the exercises my head span nauseatingly or minutes at a time. Floaty, lurchy feelings for the rest of the day, which nixed plans for a walk or trying the gym again. Feeling a bit more steady in the evening.  

The Rain on Venus

Doing some editing of my interview with Ruth Padel for the podcast for a couple of hours this morning. A wintery wet day, and my mood was a bit on the lowish side too. But no time for that, as Lorraine's Uncle Steve, Pat and Maureen and Beth and James came around for Sunday lunch.  Lorraine and I cooked roast pork and roast chicken. I gave Pat and Maureen a nip of PX sherry which Maureen loved. Uncle Steve lively and on good form. James, who was fighting off a cold, had been racing his bike at 9:00am at Preston Park, with Beth being his loyal supporter. It's love. Eeveryone melted away. Steve back to Margate with Pat and Maureen's spare keys in his pocket.  I called Mum for a chat, then Lorraine and I lurked. I watched some FA cup stuff. Chelsea already out, and then some more Frasier.  To bed, and I read Lorraine All Summer in a Day , a story from by giant book of most of the short stories written by Ray Bradbury. Set on a rainy Venus, and first published in 1954. It is ...


Started doing some editing this morning for the podcast. Lorraine out with Beth having coffee and  shopping. I got cheesed off with looking at the screen so went for a long walk in the cold. The sea strangely green today, despite the grey sky. Passed a car near splash point, with two old blokes eating sandwiches sat in the front seats. Standing on the bonnet were two seagulls, side by side as the men were, looking in at them and their sandwiches longingly.  Once home again, felt disinclined to do much. Watched some football on TV. A bit of a motivation bypass today, and couldn't settle to read  either. I took a nice photo of a teasel though. And two crows. Tumbleweed not pictured.

Steve's Birthday

Worked really hard on the poem this morning, and in rewriting managed to completely wreck one of the sections. Felt somewhat cheesed off by this. I will have to give it a break and revisit when I can see the wood for the trees. Feeling a bit drained this afternoon. A cheery evening in The Old Boot Inn, however, celebrating Steve's 71st birthday in the Boot. Brian and Yvonne, Delores, Matthew, and Steve's Cameroonian pal Gilbert, who I met a couple of years ago. Gilbert had some interesting takes on politics. While I was there Toby called from DC. Following the news over here in Blighty, it seems what's going on in the US sounds like a dystopian novel. 

Gardening again

Writing this morning. Another good day. Lorraine took the car for its MOT. Later we both time in the garden, in an interlude of sun. Mainly sweeping and tidying as I'm still being wary about my stomach muscles having picked up the tumble drier. In the afternoon had a pot of Early Gray tea with Joy and Jim next door. Finished Otherlands by Thomas Halliday. Jolly good travelling back through geological time to various points where the earth seems quite alien. Hellebores in the garden. Apparently I read that the powdered root was documented by both Dioscorides and Pliny to treat melancholy, insanity, worms and induce vomiting. Apparently they are very toxic. However, a lovely winter plant in our Seaford garden.

No beer for Nigels

Writing well this morning, and the satisfaction of feeling I am making real progress. This not at all hampered by Jack the electrician coming and doing some work in the spare room, There will be light over Lorraine's desk when the decorating is done. Nice chat with Anton this morning too.  Pat and Maureen took refuge here as their new carpet was being laid in their bedroom and hallway.  In the evening I made off to the Evening Star in Brighton, where I met up with Mark and Peter, first time this year. A really enjoyable evening. After a couple of drinks we ended up in Casa Don Carlos where we had tapas and shared a good bottle of red wine, then to the Bath Arms for an absolute bloody final. Brighton quiet and lifeless, despite it being a rainy Wednesday night in February. Things never quite recovered after Covid. Discussed with Mark the poem he had written, took a good book recommendation from Peter about the Burgess Shale, something I have been interested in for some time. Ar...

Flow state

Friday and Lorraine and I got up early, because Lorraine had arranged for folks to clear the remains of the built in wardrobe, and other garden rubbish. This was done in a friendly, efficient manner after eight in the morning rain. Then after breakfast I retreated to my study and had a spectacular day's writing.  The last section of the long poem now called Gordon Road is falling into place. Feeling emotional as I'm writing it, and as if some long buried key is turning in my head, making me think about my own life differently. Even if the poem turns out to be a bowser, writing it is doing me good on some level.  Lorraine not at the library this morning, because Dawn came for a visit. She was looking well and I enjoyed seeing her for a cup of tea. Then Lorraine took Pat and Maureen to the podiatrist and bought them fish and chips, and I continued at my desk.    L and I off to the Cinque Ports this evening where we met Steve, Brian and Yvonne who popped in for one, Ade...


A tranquil atmosphere meant I was able get on with writing undisturbed for hours on end. Much cheered by this. Also my new iPhone  arrived a bit bigger than my old one and slightly yellow. It has facial recognition, so it looks at your face and opens up to you. Transferring stuff from one phone to another fairly easy, just lay the phones next to each other and answer an occasional prompt.  Also took myself for a walk along by the sea, on a cloudless afternoon. The sunlight cheering. Then home again working till, at a particularly thorny bit, Andy the carpenter popped in to size up a small job. Then Lorraine returned from the hairdresser, and having seen Rosie for lunch, with silky smooth hair. I spoke to Mum, and we had more bean jar from yesterday, and watched the first couple of episodes of Game of Thrones, which were rather racy. Tolkien it isn't. A photo from my new phone to demonstrate the blue sky.   

AAA okay

A disrupted day. The plasterers came this morning, and a quiet young man called Adam plastered the wall in the spare room. I worked in the kitchen. Did some admin things, including emailing the editor of Poetry Salzburg, and David Longhorn of Supernatural Tales.  Lorraine off to do Rhyme Time, then took Pat and Maureen shopping. With Pat and Maureen in tow, Lorraine drove me off early in the afternoon to Newhaven Polyclinic where I had my abdominal aortic aneurysm screening. Apparently my abdominal aorta is unlikely to explode like an appalling balloon. I arrived ten minutes early and was out in less than ten minutes. The women doing it, a nurse with a reassuring bedside manner, and someone from the vascular health department all good.    Then a long stand in the rain in Newhaven waiting for Lorraine, and Pat and Maureen to collected me.  Home, and I did a bit of writing, then we drove Pat and Maureen back to their flat, which had a carpet laid in the front room. Lor...

Edgware morning

Woke up after a good night's sleep at Mum's, and had breakfast. Mum had bought some avocados so I had a cheeky avocado on toast. Once teas were drunk and chats were had, then we had a photo session trying to find the idea spot to take a photo of Mum. This surprisingly difficult, and we tried several locations and arrangements of lights and so on. Once done we filled out the online forms for her to renew her passport. Mum said she was looking her age. But I think she looks fantastic for her age. Then we made off at lunchtime to the Jolly Badger, and its lovely kind waitress who remembers exactly what Mum wants, and prompted me to use my app to get money off too.    The weather showery and overcast. And we sat looking out of the window trying to imagine what sunshine might look like.  Fond farewells to Mum, and then I mooched to Mill Hill Broadway, and was home a few hours later. Nice to be back on the gold sofa with Lorraine, with Brian affectionately pulling a hole in my ...

A new development

After rather wild winds, a fairly sedate and showery journey off to see Mum. Delayed trains, nothing to do with the weather, made it a lengthy journey.  On arrival we zoomed off to The Waggon and Horses, and had some lunch. Mum's mates laughing it up. Steve came over to me and mentioned Mum's near miss with the scammer. Nice that she has friends there who care enough about her to mention that to me just in case. Exciting news from Beth and James. Beth had another scan today. A new development: they now know the sex of the baby, which I will wait for them to share more widely before I reveal it in this blog. I am surprisingly, very invested in the whole baby business and rather excited. Then home, and after teas and some lurking, Mum cooked for us a bit later on, and we watched MASH and drank some wine and drifted off to bed, where I slept heavily.

Last of the Golem

Ordered a new mobile phone, as my existing one is now featuring in museums of ancient technology. Having ordered a newer model (though far from the newest) it I was told it won't be available for a month. Probably awaiting a slow boat from China.   My migration to Bluesky is going well and I have over 200 followers on that after a day or so. If only I had something interesting to say. Pat and Maureen here this afternoon, and we had a roast dinner with them mid afternoon. Maureen a bit grumpy when she arrived, but a spell on the gold sofa and a nice roast dinner and then a chat with Derek soon had a smile on her face.  Finally finished reading The Golem by Gustav Meyrink. Interesting and dark, but a tricky read, with the main character a figment of the narrator character's dreamlike vision. And the main character being an amnesiac who suspects at some points the Golem monster is somehow his double. There're confused  names, and personal titles and so on too to add to the ...

The mischief

Went to the gym again this morning, but as soon I got going on the cross trainer I had to stop. The mischief I'd done myself a few days ago struck again. I felt a sudden tightening band from hips to below my navel with the raising of my legs on the trainer. So I had to content myself with a little upper body stuff, but amazing how much seems to gripe those lower muscles. I seem to be fine with walking. Lifting things immediately in front of me, such as large drying machines, not so much. All a bit frustrating though, as the cross trainer is my favourite way to exercise and I still have lots of weight to lose.  Home and Lorraine was outside doing some weeding so we did a bit of this together, which was nice. Then a supermarket shop. Lorraine off to her book coven's Burns Night, Lorraine taking some chranachan. I popped off to the Cinque Ports for a quick beer with Steve, we also popped into Steamworks, which was at its best. Good to see Steve, not having seen him since Christmas...

Good clean fun

Obsessed today with using our new drier. We have a massive backlog of washing, and using it (it is highly eco friendly) fills me with glee. No more clothes horses hung with damp clothes in winter.  Otherwise my brain a bit sluggish after a poor night's sleep. I migrated from the cess pit that is X formerly twitter before Musk ruined it, onto Bluesky. This already more welcoming. I'm     Took Pat and Maureen fish and chips at lunchtime, and then lurked indoors in the afternoon. Watched the end of The Traitors which was great fun. Read more of the hallucinogenic The Golem .  Thirteen years since Clameur, the album with me and Matt.

Dark beers in January

Up and a final listen through to the podcast before sending it back to Robin to upload.  Lorraine and I excitedly unboxing our drier, which we keep in the garage. Managed to do myself a stomach mischief while lifting it up though. Strained some muscle low down below my navel. But then the excitement of drying! Amazing to have dry laundry, without having to hang it about the house creating a miasma of semitropical dampness. In the evening a few beers a long chat and a couple of games of bones with Anton. Brighton quite quiet tonight. We also strapped on the nosebag at the Hampton. Ended the night nursing a couple of Guinnesses in The Crescent, which was absolutely empty, sitting by the fire. The young guy behind the bar put on a tape of music from around 1980 and we sat there happily shooting the breeze.  Klaudia's birthday today, and she was in Paris with her mates to celebrate. Hard to imagine that 21 years ago today I met her as a newborn.  Home at a decent time.

This and that

A this and that sort of day. Breakfast with Lorraine, who left to do Rhyme Time and then to see Pat and Maureen. I then had a conversation with window cleaners explaining they weren't going to clean the windows, due to road works outside. Recording with Robin this morning, I talked a little about Chat GPT and AI. Then I had a one step back to take two forwards junking everything I wrote yesterday.  In the afternoon waited for men to deliver a tumble drier. Cleared a route for them, and had them put it in the garage at the bottom of the garden. Very nice and helpful guys. Exciting to have a tumble drier for the winter months. Then a longish walk, listening to a new audiobook:  Otherlands by Thomas Halliday -- describing the flora and fauna of the planet going further and further back in time. I ending up at Pat and Maureen's place to collect Lorraine. Had a nice chat with Maureen and Pat. Home and I spoke to Mum, then cooked a chicken stew. L and I enjoyed The Traitors on TV....


Up late, having got up at 4:45 my head buzzing with stuff on the poem and having to go to my desk and write it down for half an hour or so. Then back to bed, and didn't get up again nine. Lorraine seeing assorted pals and her personal trainer, so I had a day to myself. This mainly meant writing, and then the gym. As I did so I listened to various politics podcasts, all fixated on Trump. The idea that they would re-elect a fascist who has already inspired a lunatic insurrection beggars belief. These events are like those in 1930s Germany, that people after the war looked back on in bafflement.  I watched a documentary on iPlayer called Total Trust: Surveillance State  about state surveillance and digital social control in China. Completely Orwellian, and terrifying. It reminded me of a Black Mirror episode, where you literally score points for conforming and lose points for thought crimes.   Spoke to Toby this evening, finally having returned his car to Canada where crossi...

My head is green and full of thoughts

Lorraine and I up early today, as the gas pipe from the main in the road was being replaced by the gas company. I had thought they were going to be hammering on the door early. At least it meant Lorraine and I got up early, and got on with things. Lorraine made a fabric basket, and I had a good morning's writing. Chris arrived with a thermal camera, to look at a part of our wall that has damp. It's a fun toy, and he took a picture of my head with it, as well as the wall, and when he put his hand on the wall, the warmth lingered for a while later. Lorraine then off to take Pat and Maureen to Eastbourne. I had a recording with Robin at two, which was fine, except the gas people rang the bell almost as soon as we began talking. However they had done their business outside the house without having even to employ pneumatic drills etc. Win.  Recording was fine, and nice to chat to Robin. After this, I ook myself off for a brisk walk by the sea. Lovely subdued colours. Then another ha...

Peaceful Sunday

A quietly productive Sunday. Gym after a late breakfast, then home and some writing and listening to an excellent interview Robin had recorded for the podcast with the poet Tishani Doshi. Beth and Lorraine spent time shopping, doing a vast jigsaw and wanting to be together because of Glenice. I left them to it, taking in the odd herbal tea. A quiet evening eating lasagne on the gold sofa.   

Glenice dies

Lorraine found out about tea time that Sam and Beth's grandmother Glenice had died today. She had been very close to Glenice, who been a head teacher, and had been really encouraging of Lorraine when she switched careers to teaching. But Lorraine had been feeling sad for the last few days knowing that her end was coming. I met Glenice a few times. Her kindness and intelligence were obvious, and I liked her immediately. She a quiet but strong Christian faith. Beth and Lorraine have often said she is a wise owl.  I was up not long after seven, to jot down a few bits for the last section of the Kenniad. After breakfast Lorraine and I got the bull by the horns, and went into the garage, to do a bit of sorting and moving in preparation for a tumble dryer which hopefully will be delivered next week. I had a very lazy afternoon. I began reading The Golem by Gustav Meyrink, which is atmospheric and interesting, ate some delicious celeriac and bean soup lorraine made, and slept for an hour...


Friday. Breakfast, then the gym, as Sylwia was here. Then to the Lanes Eatery, where I met Lorraine for coffee and a snack before she pushed off to take Pat and Maureen some fish and chips. An afternoon of fruitful writing for me, feeling energised.   Re-booting in the Old Boot Inn this evening, where we met Brian and Yvonne, Chris, Delores, Debbie and Carole. Yvonne's cataract operation done without seeming to leave a trace. Strapped on the nosebag there too and washed it down with a couple of pints of Harvey's Old Ale. Lorraine and I home to watch The Traitors. An excellent Friday. Below, blurry in the boot with Yvonne.   


 Mum received another call this morning, but simply put the phone down. Bastards.  A day at home, for Lorraine and me. I had a brief saunter to the shops and then along by the sea. Quite nippy. Off to Needlewriters in the evening. Met Robin at Lewes Station. Clare Best and Jeremy reading tonight, along with another poet called Pratiba Castle, whose work was fine but not for me as I am learning to say these days. Clare on good form, reading her excellent poetry in an excellent fashion. Jeremy reading some prose from his London Calling book, which I liked quite a bit when it was published a few years ago. Of my poet friends, there were Stephen, Charlotte, Janet, Catherine Smith and others. Also Callum was there sitting next to me. He had just been to see Will and I arranged to go with him next time. Will is now in Lewes. A cheery interlude, but I made off home quite quickly, partly to be at home with Lorraine and watch The Traitors again.  Callum gave me and Robin a lift t...

One stone two sparrows

To London today, on a mission to kill two birds with one stone. Trains to Mill Hill Broadway station, reading Greek Lessons by Han Kang on the train a bit. Hopped on the 221 and got off the stop after Mill Hill East. Reaching Gordon Road paused by a fence looking into the allotment and fiddled with my camera. A deep and violent baying from an unseen Arthur Conan Doyle style hound from inside a van right behind me made me jump out of my skin. Then mooched about a bit and this time went down the alleyway at the back of the house my paternal grandparents lived in when I was a little child. A bit eerie and overgrown, with mostly disused garages. Snapped a couple of shots and left again. Somehow having a camera lessened the feeling people would take me for a mature burglar.  This obscure mission completed, off to meet Mum in the Jolly Badger, pausing at Costa coffee for a much needed perk.  Mum had just arrived at the Jolly Badger when I got there and had had a wretched morning. A...

Bardic business

Another good writing morning for me. Lorraine busy and off to her personal trainer this morning, then some shopping. Shakespeare's Henry IV part two at Adele and Patrick's place this evening. We started at 5.00pm and finished around ten having taken a large break in the middle, where Patrick took Steve up to his studio and we ate dinner. The play itself not one of the bard's finest four hours, but still well worth reading. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, being the one quote that leapt out. Falstaff business, Adele who drew the Falstaff character, had a busy time of it. The comedy parts were obviously great fun at the time, and still brings a smile or two. A cheery, tiring but improving evening. Below Falstaff with Doll Tearsheet in the Boar's Head tavern, illustration to Act 2, Scene 4 of the play by Eduard von Grützner 

An interlude of calm

A productive day spent mostly writing. Working on a monologue as an ironic counterpoint to the more po-faced poetry, called Peter Kenny is not himself . Beth and Lorraine off shopping and looking at carry cots this morning, and then sat doing a jigsaw together  I waddled off to the gym. Almost empty when I arrived, then after half an hour of cross trainer trundling,  suddenly crowded with school kids. Good to see girls as well as boys using the equipment. However this meant I was unable get on any of the equipment as kids had settled on everything like eager locusts. I took a longer walk home by the sea to compensate. Not as nippy as it had been. Home and James arrived just after I'd showered, and we sat about downstairs eating pizzas, made with lots of ingredients and on sourdough bases Lorraine and made. A cheery evening, though Beth is done by nine o'clock.  Below: I liked the look of this empty bench as I passed it. An image of calmness.

Alarms and Songs

A phone call around 5:15 from Maureen who was not feeling good. Lorraine immediately got dressed and drove around. I woke up a bit and walked around in the dark, on pavements sparkling with frost. I got there just as the paramedics arrived. Maureen's ECG was okay, but they recommended she go to hospital for a blood test -- to check if there had been a cardiac event. Lorraine drove Pat and I home, and then drove to Eastbourne to be with Maureen. Thankfully A&E was quiet, and Maureen was later released back into the wild after what had been a bout of angina. At home with Pat I made him some breakfast and we listened, with Pat singing along, to my crooners playlist on Spotify. Touched to see him singing along to  Unforgettable by Nat King Cole. Then a bit of a Death in Paradise marathon, watching several episodes till lunch. Then Beth and James called around early in the afternoon.  Not long after they arrived I got a call from Lorraine on the way home with Maureen.  A...

Peaceful day

A peaceful day with both of us at home and with nothing organised. We fixed a curtain rail which was coming away from the wall using a ladder etc. I did a bit of a deep tidy of my study while Lorraine made a fabric bag. Also emptied drawers and found we had three hole punches for paper, three staplers and so on -- and we don't even need these things at all.   Into this tranquility, we watched the dystopian action thriller film Civil War directed by Alex Garland. Set in during near future American civil war with a president in a third term, the film focuses on photojournalists and journalists getting into the heart of the battle to overthrow the corrupt president. It felt uncomfortably plausible.  Noticed after five months, I was paid for the last job I did for the French agency. Despite them paying it in December. Turned out it was into the wrong account. All's well that ends well, I suppose. 


Frosty morning, and a day with time to mull in my study. Chatting with Mum for a while. Lorraine off to do Storytime in the library, and then took Pat and Maureen fish and chips, and then spent the afternoon with Beth who had taken a few days off work. Amanda came by at tea time to look at the spare room, as we intend to sort this out. To The Old Boot Inn this evening. A cheery gathering -- tonight people dropping in Brian (Yvonne recovering from her cataract operation) Patrick hot foot from Coventry where he did a welding course and suddenly gleaming with enthusiasm about welding. Delores, Lorraine's pal Helen and her husband Andy, and Debbie from the book group. Lorraine and I strapped on the nosebag in the pub, and walked home in the frosty night to watch The Traitors.   Below our goldfish swimming about slowly under the pond ice.

Snowless and out of focus

Up late this morning, and when I did get to my desk, I lacked focus. But even a non-productive day is a thousand times better than having to drag myself to an agency.  A lunchtime walk, the snow all but gone, but the high fields were white. Getting chest pains above my heart from an exercise I was doing yesterday that had slightly strained one of the muscles. Despite me knowing what it was, I did not enjoy the occasional sudden stabbings. Hypochondria is a difficult business. In the afternoon joined my wee understory conversation group with poet colleagues. I was underprepared for some reason and not particularly in the mood. But I enjoyed the conversation, and hearing some other people's work.  Delores chatting with Lorraine downstairs. Her Christmas made difficult by finding that one of her lodgers had died overnight. An upsetting business.  I popped out in the very chilly evening to complete my 10k paces, walking down by the sea. Delores borrowed my Natural History of ...


Up early and writing quite productively for a bit. Then breakfast with Lorraine, doing the Wordle thing over toast and a boiled egg.  Lorraine off to do Rhymetime at the library, and then spend time with Pat and Maureen. I went to the health centre and had a pneumonia jab. Apparently it is single jab for life. I am all for this, and am delighted to be needled.  Thence to the gym, and waddled about in there for a bit on the cross trainer and a few bits and pieces. The lats machine is good for my back. There is a sort of stomach tightening one too, where you crunch forward on a chair with weights involved. A tiny man darted on to it, when I was literally two metres away, and I decided to wait, where he did a few bits, then looked at his phone for five minutes, and then did a few more this went on for twenty minutes and I left. I don't know what the etiquette for this sort of thing is but I felt like punching his head. Gym people are not my tribe.  Home and felt quite virtuo...

Old Haunts

Got up early and at my desk, but not terribly productively. Had breakfast with Lorraine, then later I took myself off to Brighton. I walked up from London Road station to Hollingbury Hillfort to my old haunts. A gorgeous sunny day. Then down again, walked along Osborne Road. Had forgotten just how much our old road rises. Was pleased to be going downhill. Then through Preston Park, where I stopped in the cafe for a large mug of splosh and a sausage roll. Then off to see Stacy to get a much needed haircut. Sat in the seat like Jabba the Hut and watched him perform his usual magic, coaxing the thinning hair on the top of my head into some kind of smooth pelt. Stacy and Mick the other barber saying they had the January Blues. Home and I cooked this evening for Lorraine and I and we were very happy to snuggle indoors on the gold sofa. I walked just under 14k paces not that much but my best for some while. Below the wall of Hollingbury Hillfort with two golfers ambling by, on the way down a...

Preferred pattern

Getting back to my preferred pattern. Up at eight and at my desk. It felt good and I began to make some small progress. Reading the first three sections of the Kenniad, and being fairly pleased with them after not having sat with them properly for a while. At around noon  Lorraine and I dismantled our plastic Christmas trees and decorations. After a bite to eat, I went for a walk by the sea, in a strong buffeting wind till I had walked my 10k paces. Finished The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke.   I found it confusing but occasionally the writing was exceptionally brilliant. I am making it my mission to finish all the books I have started in the last year or so but not completed. Read it sitting on the sofa with Lorraine, listening to relaxing music and while Lorraine was industrious or played her game. She spent much of the afternoon with Pat and Maureen. I cooked a delicious chicken curry. In other news Toby and Romy arrived back in a snowy Washington ...

The fightback against festive plumpness

Rainy most of the day. Mum said this evening that she woke up to a carpet of white snow up in Edgware.  Lorraine and I got up fairly early pulled the curtains on a grey sky, and made a moderately early breakfast. To the gym in the rain, leaving Lorraine to pull out her mat and did some stretches, and played some piano. The gym, meanwhile, was full of what I think of as January wankers cluttering up the equipment. My fightback against festive plumpness began in earnest. By February gym attendance will thin out again, and hopefully I will have done too. Home and as we were doing a roast, Lorraine asked me to pull some veggies from our patch. Some lovely short but sausagey carrots, and some very thin but tasty parsnips. After I'd showered and helped Lorraine prepare, Beth and James arrived, having collected Pat and Maureen. Beth and James sat with us chatting, mainly about the baby, putting names down for a nursery and so on. A tasty roast chicken and pork with lots of vegetables and ...

Taking back control

Taking back control of our waistlines today. I walked my 10k paces, drank nothing, and we returned to our normal diet. Felt much better for it too. Lorraine and I had breakfast and planned our meals. We both have put on lots of weight in the last month. I dropped in on Yvonne and Brian, taking Brian a belated birthday present for his birthday on the first. He seemed in good form, and was going to see Brighton play Arsenal at home this evening. Yvonne has a cataract operation on Monday, so is keen to get that over and done with. Walked home from there place down to Splash Point and then along the coast and eventually home. Lorraine just back from shopping and popping in to see Patrick and Maureen.  Some nice downtime this afternoon and evening. Watched a movie called The Holdovers , which was touching, a couple of Frasiers and then an early night.  Two snaps while walking along by the sea.

The funeral for Maureen's sister Bet

Frosty morning. Getting ready for a funeral. Appalled by suddenly being unable to fit into my formal black trousers, which only a few weeks ago I was able to enter like a seal sliding into the wide sea.  My hair is also deeply rubbish at the moment, having not had a cut for too long. Felt shabby all day.  Luckily, the day wasn't all about me. Lorraine and I hopped into the car, then picked up some sandwiches, a wreath made of flowers, then Pat and Maureen who were sitting downstairs at Stratheden waiting for us. To south London to attend Maureen's sister Bet's funeral. Reached south London fairly rapidly. The driving app took us through some windy country lanes just at edge of south London near Biggin Hill, Skid Hill Lane, and Corkscrew Hill. We arrived at Bellingham just a bit south of Lewisham, at Bet's house where her son Ted lives. Ted in his dressing gown, who said his ribs were damaged and seemed in a lot of pain. Probably not helped by us arriving very early, and...