A day with a degree of big and cleverness about it
A full day and no mistake guv'nor. Excellent news ... Doctor Spotlight is now published online. Also The Grieving is published in Supernatural Tales today. Sadly there was little time to sit about feeling big and clever. Friendly email from Yang Lian this morning, and I arranged to interview Brian Holton, his translator. He was available immediately, so I snuck in a cheeky twenty minute call to him this morning, recording the interview. A lovely man, who has translated Lian since the nineties, and also is the only regular translator of Chinese into Scots, as well as being a poet and musician and performer. However this leaves me with a big problem as I now have three interviews with fluent and talkative people to condense into one show. Sonia here today, but I stayed locked in my room and barely had time to talk to her. Brief chats with Sam and Jade during the day. And snatched ones with Betty about rum, and Anton too. Otherwise working on a new brief....