A personal nadir but another win for Richard

Lorraine up very early with loads to do. I got up and started work on a few bits. For reasons I can't go into here, today was a fairly disastrous day, with an event I've not experienced in decades of working as a writer. Saying I am pretty cheesed off by this, is an understatement.

I did have the opportunity however to go for a couple of walks, and get out of the house. I bought a new red (it has to be red) moleskine page to a week diary for 2016. (2016 - we live in the future). Beth lurking on the sofa waiting for her heel to recover from being injected yesterday. Lorraine home earlier than expected, tired and unable to discuss the results of the inspection but to a husband's eye  decidedly cheery.

Below I picture the prize-winning Mr Richard Fleming, having learned from Jane (who was pictured in yesterday's post) that Richard has done it again, winning two more prizes: one for short fiction and the other for poetry in a competition run by Pennine Ink. You can read his excellent winning pieces here.
