Not quite the End

Up and at 'em this morning. Pleased to get a call from Val in Paris saying they are going to brief me on something later in the week. Otherwise I'm working hard getting my marketing book kindle-ready, and re-editing it. Time is a great editor.

Beth recovering eating dry toast and later sipping miso soup and noodles. She still managing to surge off and teach a drama class this afternoon, and return looking a tad wan.

In the evening I walked down through the park, where there were outbursts of cricket and rounders, to London Road and The World's End pub to see Richard and Dipak in the latest version of the Shakespeare Heptet performing in the corner of the pub.Richard's wife Maria Grazia there too. Nice to catch up with them. Rather wonderful music, despite the car or shop alarm going off nearby and the boozers roaring at each other in a pearls-before-swine manner.  Their latest incarnation has two women singers, which was interesting and led to new arrangements.

Felt rather sad that such great music has to fight for attention. Felt a bit gloomy about great art being thrown down, though it wasn't the end of the world, just life in The World's End. For my 'review' of The Shakespeare Heptet go here.
