
Urgh. Woke up at Lorraine's house after a few hours of sleep. Rehearsal! Home, fed Calliope, showered, stumbled back to Lorraine's place clutching my score. From where we drove to Sussex University for an early This concert rehearsal, this time with musicians and choir together. Unbelievably had a hangover again.

A sense of everybody being a bit off the pace today, and I fluffed some lines as we went through, but I put this down to partying but at least Lorraine and Matt were in the same boat. However I was reassured by old hands that it is good to have 'a rehearsal like that'. Even so, when not fiendishly concentrating, I really loved it.

Struck by how beautifully Ellie plays violin. Matt has written some gorgeous stuff for her to play, but I'm just amazed at how full of feeling her tone is. Lorraine drove Matt and me back to Brighton, and then Lorraine and I had a chilled afternoon having lunch nearby, before she went home.

Spent a quiet evening in with Calliope, working on bits and pieces and listening to wonderfully readable The girl with the dragon tattoo.
