My mum is cooler than your mum

Off to meet Dawn for coffee this morning, she is reading Skelton Yawngrave, and is organising me to do a session in a local school. Really good opportunity this to get some appropriate feedback and possibly open some new doors. Ate buns and drank coffee at Lorraine's house. Dawn has only read the first section of the book but picked up every thread with amazing thoroughness just from this. Lorraine too has this ability to get to the nub of a poem for example with speed and clarity. It's very impressive.

Afternoon spent compiling the application for funding from the Guernsey Arts Commission. Basically a form and some other stuff. Form filling makes me want to self harm. I've never encountered a form that doesn't ask round hole questions when you have only square pegs. I hate them. This form is not designed for literature for example, and the questions are not appropriate to it. Lorraine helped me, and then after a few hours I gave up in disgust, but with the process almost complete. Lorraine meanwhile steadily slashing through her work email backlog all afternoon.

Mum is here on the BBC...! Her paintings are used as a backdrop on ClickBits (screen grab below) and she is given a namecheck and there's a bit about her at the end. Splendid, and thanks to outlier Mex who tipped her off about the opportunity. Mum fairly level headed about this, and not bragging insufferably as I would be doing in her shoes. Mum's portfolio site is here.
