Damned ankle broke down again, so have temporarily resumed orc like loping. Despite this I had a splendid night last night, after what was a rather hectic day at work.

Met Matty boy and Kate and the French Bloke and sat outside the Blue Anchor by the river in what appeared to be sunshine. Matty boy has just taken a voluntary redundancy, and is cheerfully contemplating weeks of summer idling before being snapped up by some species of forward looking organisation or other. First matie on good form too sipping rose, and pressing a copy of Jane Eyre on me which I will read after I have finished the Obama book. The FB having to slope off back to work after a few minutes.

The tractor fancier then went home leaving Matt and me to go to the The Bridge restaurant where we ate food outside in the garden, and both burbled on the phone to long-suffering MJ. I ate venison despite it being rather dear. Arf.

Matt kindly guided me into a sherbert to head for Victoria. Vile interlude on the train where I used a toilet with a faulty automatic door which treacherously opened twice, appalling those unfortunates who glanced in en passant.

Then sat next to a very refreshed gentleman...

RG:(apropos of nothing) So how old are you?
Me: Er... I'm 45.
RG: No you're not.
Me: I am.
RG: Fuck. No you're not.
Me: Er...okay.
RG: You're 45?
Me: Yes.
RG: Fuck.

People are strange.

Home and messaged lovely MJ till 2 o'clock and then headed for bed.
